Friday, February 15, 2008

Running Multiple Instances on Dynamips

You can run multple instances on a Linux box, so that you can share the same box with your friends who are pursuing CCIE!

Take a look at /etc/init.d/dynamips:


Default Dynamips is listening on 7200/tcp. Copy the init file and modify it to unused port, say 7201/tcp:

cp /etc/init.d/dynamips /etc/init.d/dynamips-7201

vi dynamips-7201

Change PORT=7200 to PORT=7201.

Start the second instance of Dynamips by /etc/init.d/dynamips-7201 start.

You will need to modify the .net config file, here are the key points to note when you create your second .net config file:
1. [] - make sure you are connecting to that particular instance
2. udp = 11000 - you have to use another udp port for the second instance
3. console = 3000 under your router configuration. Default starts at 2000/tcp and you can change to other unused ports, say from 3000/tcp.

Then run your config using:
dynagen your_config_file


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